Less than 5 minute organizing!

5/2/2013:  Today's less than 5 minute organizing tip is CDs/DVDs storage.  How do you protect, keep and store your CDs/DVDs?  I generally keep my mine in the original case unless it looks like the ones below. Such as paper holders, cracked or broken plastic holders or odd shaped holders that are difficult to store. 

After organizing my CDs/DVDs that are in their original cases, that are in excellent condition, the rest landed on top of the entertainment cabinet for about a month.  

I finally decided to do something with them.  I purchased the following items for this project:

 Office Depot - $4.39 (2 packs)
CD/DVD storage box - Office Depot - $6.99

Final product
 I have room for more CDs/DVDs
 I used 2" Angled Durable Hanging-File Tabs to label each section.  I purchased them at Office Depot, 24 pk for $4.09.

WOW, it took longer to take the pictures, upload the pictures and write the blog, then it took for me to organize the CDs/DVDs. 

Anyways, as always I hope you found this helpful and enjoyed it.

Please subscribe/follow and share.  Have a wonderful day and weekend.


5/1/13:  Today's less than 5 minute organizing tip is this.  You know all those flip flops and flat sandals you have?  Oh come on.  You have a lot just as I do.  Go ahead and admit it.  LOL!!!!  Well any ways, there is no reason this kind of foot wear should take up prime real estate on a shoe rack.  Here is my solution to this problem. 

My flip flops and flat sandals

White lined basket

Stand all the flip flops and sandals up in the basket, paired.

I placed mine on the floor of the closet all the way to the back. 

4/30/2013:   Today I am introducing to you the, "Less Than A Minute Organizing Series".  In this series, I will show you very simple organizing solutions that will make a big impact on your life.   I know they do mine.  I hope you enjoy this series. 

If there is something you need help in organizing, leave me a comment explaining your situation and I will try to help you.

My first less than a minute organizing tip:   Every store you shop at these days have some kind of reward cards.   How many gift cards, reward cards, credit cards, etc. do you have?  If you are like me you have more than a hand full.  How do you keep up with all these cards?  Do you have them stuff in your wallet?  Are they handy when you are ready to check out or are you at check out digging in your purse trying to locate them?  If you are like me, the latter applies.  So I have been trying to come up with a solution for this problem and I do believe I have and here it is.

Although I have already removed most of them from my wallet here is a picture of my wallet and all the cards I have.  They use to be stuff in the slots in my wallet 3 or 4 deep. 

I decided the best way to contain and organize all these cards is to use a small or medium size business card holder.  It has to be small enough to go into my purse.  This is the one I am using.  It is one that I already had.  I just removed all the business cards from it, since I currently do not have a use for them.  I am not discarding the business cards.  I put a rubber band around them and stored in my desk drawer.

I believe I purchased this business card holder from Office Depot for less than $10.00.  This one is small enough to go in my purse without any problems.

I put the cards in alphabetical order for easy location. 

How do you carry your cards?  How do you keep up with them?  I would love to know how you carry yours.  Leave a comment or suggestion.  Please share with your friends.  This may be useful to some of them. 

Subscribe and follow my blog for more tips.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you found this useful. 

Have and wonderful blessed day.





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